Europe PMC Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life sciences, healthcare and medical humanities. It includes full text reports from government agencies, like the UK's National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the US's Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and content allowed by participating publishers. Importantly it also includes scholarly monographs and book chapters arising from Wellcome Trust funding, which were included in its commitment to open access with an open access monographs policy created in 2013.
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All Europe PMC Bookshelf content can be browsed here. Europe PMC Bookshelf can be searched in the same way as other Europe PMC content. A free text search on Europe PMC includes books: if a book is found on the Bookshelf, an icon will indicate the existence of a ‘Free full text book’, or you can refine your search by selecting 'Books and Documents' from the 'Popular content sets' filter on any search results page. You can additionally refine your search for a particular book if you know the publisher or editor, which can be specified via either the Advanced Search'Bibliographic fields' menu or using search syntax as defined in the Books reference table.
Bookshelf content can also be accessed via both the SOAP and RESTful web services. Copyright to all materials deposited in Bookshelf remains with the publisher or individual authors/editors, whichever is applicable.
Bookshelf content can also be accessed via both the SOAP and RESTful web services. Copyright to all materials deposited in Bookshelf remains with the publisher or individual authors/editors, whichever is applicable.
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We’re excited to include books in our collection as we believe that you should be able to find the peer-reviewed information you need regardless of what format it is published in – this is an important step in that direction.
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